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Product Release 22.1.2024
Product Release 22.1.2024
Rana ElGharib avatar
Written by Rana ElGharib
Updated over a week ago

What's New?


Data & Analytics

New Metric: "Unique Player Widget Opens" In Analytics

As requested by our customers, a new "Unique Widget Opens" metric is now added to Gameball's analytics Engagement report.

You will find this metric in the Players and Interactions section. The metric equation reflects the number of unique widget opens by players within the selected time range.

Other Improvements

Saved Applied Filters for Enhanced Dashboard Navigation

We are happy to announce a new enhancement to the Gameball Dashboard, specifically the Players Page, Players Log, and Outbound sections. With this update, the applied filters will be saved when you access a specific row or item and then click back to search for another row or item within the same section.

Previously, navigating back to the list view would reset the applied filters, requiring you to reapply them each time. This could be cumbersome, especially when working with extensive data or complex filter combinations.

With this new feature, Gameball will retain the applied filters when you navigate back to the list view. This allows you to seamlessly continue your search for another row or item without the need to reapply the filters repeatedly.

Improved Product CSV Upload Experience with Confirmation Popup

We are excited to introduce a new enhancement to the Gameball platform that improves the Product CSV upload experience for you. With this update, once you upload a new product CSV, you will receive a confirmation popup that Gameball has received the file successfully and currently working on it.

In the past, the CSV upload process lacked visibility, leaving you uncertain about the progress of the file. With this new feature, we provide immediate feedback and assurance that your CSV has been successfully received and is undergoing processing by Gameball.

Display Coupon Group for Custom Coupon Redemption in Player Logs

We are delighted to introduce a new enhancement to the Gameball platform that provides improved visibility for custom coupon redemptions. With this update, when a custom coupon is redeemed, the associated coupon group will now be displayed in the player logs. This information will appear under the Custom section, indicating which coupon group the redeemed coupon belongs to.

Previously, it may have been challenging to identify the specific coupon group from which a custom coupon was redeemed within the player logs. This update aims to address that by clearly indicating the coupon group for custom coupon redemptions, enhancing the tracking and analysis of coupon usage.

Additionally, this feature will also be reflected in the exported sheet of the player logs. When exporting the player logs data, the coupon group information for custom coupon redemptions will be included, allowing for comprehensive analysis and reporting.


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