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Product Release 4.2.2024
Product Release 4.2.2024
Rana ElGharib avatar
Written by Rana ElGharib
Updated over a week ago

What's New?


Introducing Self-Serve Custom Plans

Seamlessly transition from the standard Growth plan to Custom plans (Growth or Enterprise). Introducing Custom Growth and Custom Enterprise plans, providing complete customization for pricing, billing frequency (monthly, 3 months, 6 months, and annually), payment types (offline or online), and limit adjustments (MRC, MCC, Email limits), unrestricted by predefined ranges.

In essence, the self-serve plans include:

  • Standard Growth

  • Custom Growth (mirroring the standard Growth plan features)

  • Custom Enterprise (embracing the enterprise feature set)

Moreover, any customer in a custom plan, whether paying online or offline, can access their billing page normally to track MRC, MCC, and Email consumption.


New Default Referral Outbound

In this release, we're excited to introduce a new automatic default referral outbound feature available to everyone. This feature utilizes web messages in the outbound module with a content content-provided template. Seamlessly appearing on the Shopify cart page without requiring manual intervention.

The strategic aim is to encourage players to refer friends at the right moment, just before making a purchase. The goal is to inspire players to make the most of the accompanying reward when finalizing their purchases.

The new outbound will be activated by default for plans starting Pro, and can be deactivated by the customers if desired.

Other Improvements

[Widget] Enhanced Redeem Page for Improved Coupon Redemption Experience

We are excited to announce a significant enhancement to the redeem page on the Gameball widget. With this update, we have streamlined the redemption process, making it easier for users to understand how to redeem points and effectively utilize their coupons.

We have introduced a new "Redeem Now" button directly under each redemption rule. This button provides users with easy access to redeem their rewards right from the rule itself. By clicking the "Redeem Now" button, users can initiate the redemption process without any confusion or unnecessary steps.

The addition of the "Check Coupon" button streamlines the process of checking coupon information, such as validity, redemption conditions, and applicable rewards. Players can now conveniently click on the button associated with a specific coupon to instantly access its details.

[Widget] Improved Custom Coupon Redemption Process

We enhanced the custom coupon redemption process. With this update, we have implemented a dynamic visibility control feature that hides custom coupon rules from the widget once certain conditions are met.

Previously, when players attempted to redeem a custom coupon beyond their designated limit or after all the available coupons within a custom group had been redeemed, they would encounter a red cross symbol, indicating their ineligibility to redeem.

However, with this new feature, we have improved the user experience by automatically hiding the rule from the widget in such scenarios:

  • Reaching the redemption limit for a custom coupon. Once a player reaches the specified limit for redeeming a particular custom coupon, the associated rule will be automatically hidden from the widget. This ensures that players do not attempt to redeem the coupon beyond the set limit, maintaining a fair and controlled redemption process.

  • Exhausting all available coupons within a custom coupon group. When all the coupons within a specific custom group have been redeemed, the corresponding rule will be hidden from the widget. This prevents players from attempting to redeem coupons that are no longer available, streamlining the user experience and reducing confusion.

[Widget] Adaptive Signup Description Based on Default Redemption Rule Visibility

We are pleased to announce a new enhancement to the Gameball platform that improves the signup experience for users. With this update, we have implemented an adaptive signup description feature that dynamically adjusts based on the visibility of the default redemption rule.

In cases where the default redemption rule is visible, the signup description will provide relevant information and instructions regarding the available rewards and engagement opportunities upon signup.

On the other hand, if the default redemption rule is hidden, the signup description will be modified accordingly, ensuring that guests and new users receive accurate information about the current redemption options.

Default rule visible:

Default rule hidden:

The text is adjustable from the Widget content:


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