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Create and Configure Your Web Messages for Players

Encourage your website visitors to perform specific events, upsell specific badges, & create an interactive experience.

Rana ElGharib avatar
Written by Rana ElGharib
Updated over a week ago

Web Messages are mainly used for up-selling, alerting, or getting the player excited for an action or a challenge throughout their journey on your platform. A message pops up encouraging the player to complete a challenge, to remind them of the daily deals and offers, and to trigger the player’s next move. This feature helps you increase your conversion rate.

You can customize your player web messages by designing them according to your brand, choosing the right channel, schedule them to target your players at the perfect time.

How to configure an outbound web message?

  • Go to Gameball Dashboard, from the left bar, click Outbound > Web Messages

  • Click Create Message

You will be taken directly to the 5 stages of outbound creation:

  1. Rules

  2. Scheduling

  3. Compose

  4. Goal

  5. Preview

Follow the next steps to customize your outbound precisely as you intend.

Step 1: Rules

A. Audience

Decide if you want this web message to be sent to all your players list or specific customers.

Choose between:

  • All Players: both registered and unregistered customers will receive the message

  • Registered Players: only registered customers will receive the message

  • Specific Players: only a group of players will receive this email based on selected player attributes, segments, and tags

By choosing Specific Players, you can group the contact list based on:

  • Segments

  • Tags

  • Player Attributes

    You can also customize your players' list based on multiple criteria by click Add Rule

There are two relations that could be set between each rule:

  • AND relation: the targeted player needs to comply with both rules in order to receive the web message.

  • OR relation: the targeted player needs to comply with only one of the rules to receive the web message.

Based on the configuration example of the last photo, players who belong under the "Active" segment, AND have the "VIP" tag, AND have more than "3000" points will receive this web message.

The rest of the players on your list will not receive this web message because they do not comply with the specified criteria.

B. Triggers

Decide whether this web message requires a certain action from the player before they receive it.

When you choose Action based, then you will have to set the required player action/s they need to do to trigger and receive the web message. You can apply your set of rules using the Event Engine.

This previous example states that the player will only receive the web message if they have placed an order that has a product from the "summer collection" category.

When you have completed this stage, click Continue on the top right of the page.

Now, you have moved to the second configuring stage, called Scheduling.

Step 2: Scheduling

If you want this web message to be sent more than once, and you have chosen Recurring in the previous step under triggers, then you get to configure the following:

  • Start Date: choose the day and time when the web message will be sent for the first time.

  • Repeat Every: choose the frequency as well as the date and timing when the email should be sent each time.

  • End Date: choose if you want this web message to stop being sent at all, and set an ending date and time if the web message should have an ending date. choose between:

    • Never: the web message will keep being sent according to the recurring dates you have set.

    • Till: choose the date and time when the web message will no longer be active.

  • Limit: limit the number of times the message should be sent.

In case you have set an Action Based Trigger

If you had chosen that the outbound is sent based on an "Action based trigger" in the previous step (Step 1: Rules), you will need to set the number of times a player would receive the outbound every time they do the chosen event (Trigger).

  • Under Frequency Configuration, choose between:

    • Default: players will keep receiving this outbound every time they meet the criteria (execute the chosen action) with no cap until the campaign ends.

    • Custom: choose the number of times a player will receive the outbound every time they execute the chosen event before they stop receiving it.

Click Continue to move on to the next configuring stage, called Compose.

Step 3: Compose

This stage is where you get to write, customize, and design the actual content of the web message.

There are three bodies you need to fill:

  • Internal Name: the internal (technical )name of the message on the dashboard. This name does not show to players through the message.

  • Message Icon:

    • From Library: pick and icon to show on your message from Gameball's library

    • Upload Image: upload your own icon from your PC.

  • Compose Message:

    • Message title: a short bolded header that grabs the player's attention.

    • Write your message here: compose a short line that is straight to the point and persuasive.

  • Message Redirection: add a button that will take players to specific web pages upon click.

    • Button Text: few words that describe where this button leads to when clicked on.

    • Redirection URL: insert the link of the page you want the player to land on when they click on the button.

The previous image example shows a web message that alerts the player about the new winter collection. It also has a button that redirects them to the page that has all the new collection products upon click.

Once you are done with composing your web message body, click Continue to move into the following stage, setting the Goal.

Step 4: Goal

There is usually an aim or a target behind creating and sending every web message. By filling in the Goal settings, you command Gameball to monitor the web message's performance in the relevance of the goal.

For example, if you have composed a web message that informs customers of a new release of a collection, then your goal will most probably be a high surge (number of visits and/or purchases) on that collection on your platform.

Switch the toggle between:

  • Off: skip the goal part. Gameball will not give you information on the viewers' behavior.

  • On: allows you to set a goal for your web message.

In case of choosing to add a goal by toggling the switch to On, follow these steps:

  • Choose Event: use the event engine to set the exact type of action you are expecting from the player and want Gameball to follow.

  • Customers have to match within: set the time span of which the goal is expected to be met.

    Gameball will give you feedback about how far the goal has been met during the time you have set only

❗️Note: it is recommended that you leave a strong call to action in your web message, such as buttons or links that redirects players to a place in your platform that brings them closer to meeting your intended goal.

For example, leave a link that opens the newly released collection if your goal is to increase sales of that collection specifically.

The example in the image shows that the web message goal is set to monitor the percentage of players (web message receivers) who will view a product page under a collection called "Summer."

The time span where this goal should be met is within "3 days" from the day the web message is sent to players.

Click Continue to move to the final stage, Preview.

Step 5: Preview

The preview stage always comes last and is the most important step. This is where you get to take a final look at your work and decide whether you need to edit, test, or go with sending the outbound.

Here is what you can do at this part:

  • Edit previous configurations: click on the edit icon next to the stage you want to make changes at. This will take you back to the configuration page of the specified stage, where you can make as many changes as you need.

  • Send a test message: Add your web message to receive it and preview it before it is sent to your customers.

  • Send: once you click "Send," the outbound would be published or released.

    If the outbound is set to be sent immediately, then players will start receiving it; if it is scheduled for later, then they will only receive it on the scheduled date and time; however, the outbound would be active unless you commanded otherwise.

❗️Note: it is recommended that you test your outbound before you send it to ensure that the outbound works precisely as intended.

Where can I view configured web messages/outbound?

  • Go to Gameball Dashboard, from the left bar, click Outbound

you will be able to see the list of all configured outbounds on this page.

To view the list of configured web messages only:

  • Go to Gameball Dashboard, from the left bar, click Outbound > Web Messages

You can only view configured web messages on this page.

General information about the outbound can be seen on these pages, such as the set triggers, channel, audience, state, number of sent outbound, number, of clicks, and the percentage to which the set goal was met.

How to know who received the email and where they are at

You can know which of the players received the outbound and whether or not they interacted with the received outbound.

  • Start by selecting an Outbound.

  • Click View more Details

You will be taken to the page where you can see the name and ID of all the players who received the outbound and whether they clicked or/and Achieved the outbound Goal.

How can I deactivate or delete an outbound?

  • Go to Gameball Dashboard, from the left bar, click Outbound

From the outbound page, click the three dots icon on the far left of the outbound block.

Choose between:

  • Deactivate/Activate

  • Delete

you can also view more information about the outbound as well as delete or deactivate it by viewing the inner page of the outbound itself.

  • Click on the outbound name.

This is where you can find more details about the outbound, and Activate/deactivate or delete it.

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