Manually Reward a Player with a Challenge

Manually reward a specific player, group of players, or all players with a challenge, and automatically display the badge on their profile.

Rana ElGharib avatar
Written by Rana ElGharib
Updated over a week ago

You can manually reward your players with a challenge. This challenge can be rewarded to all your players at once or to a specific player.

Reward a Challenge to a Player

In order to reward a specific player, navigate to the player profile page through the Gameball Admin Dashboard. Go to the Players tab, search for the player using the filters, click the player's name to open the player page.

  • Inside the player profile page, click more, then Reward Challenge

  • Once you click Reward a Challenge, a small popup appears where you can select, from the dropdown list, a challenge or multiple challenges to reward this player.

❗️Note: The player level must be the same or higher than the challenge level.

  • Choose the challenges, and click on the Reward button. Confirm the selected configuration by typing "CONFIRM".

    The player will then be rewarded the selected challenges and new records are added with the achievement Type of Manually given Challenge.

  • To check if the challenge was successfully added, go to the Player Log tab under the player profile.

Reward a Challenge to a Group of Players or All Players

In case you added a new challenge and want to reward all players with this challenge, this is the feature for you. While you are logged in to your Gameball Admin Dashboard, go to Players.

  • For all players: Stay on the Players page

  • For a group of Players: Click on the Add filter icon and filter the players according to your criteria.

  • Click Reward a Challenge

  • A popup window appears where you are prompted to select one or more challenges to reward all your existing players.

  • Choose the challenges, and click on the Reward button.

  • A notification will appear informing you that your request is being processed and you will be notified by email once all players are rewarded with the challenges.

Check your email later and you will find a confirmation email indicating that the challenge was successfully rewarded to your all or specified players.

This sums up how you can reward a specific player, group of players, or all your current players with a challenge or multiple challenges manually through the Gameball dashboard.

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