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Gameball Plans and Subscriptions
Gameball Plans and Subscriptions

Learn how your active players are calculated and check what happens when you uninstall or downgrade your Gameball plan.

Rana ElGharib avatar
Written by Rana ElGharib
Updated over a week ago

Below are the most commonly asked questions and answers about Gameball subscription plans.

Important Note: if you are on the new Gameball plans (joined after the 4th of March, 2024), this article might be irrelevant. Please check this article for relevant information.

How Are Gameball Active Players Calculated in the Pricing Plan?

Gameball charges you based on the actual active customers. Your active customers are the users that are enrolled in the rewards programs and have points.

❗️Note: Active players that do not have any points do not take part in the calculations.

Each pricing plan is restricted to a limited number of active users and when this number is exceeded, you will be additionally charged per each active customer. Check the rate per extra active customer here.

For example, the Pro plan supports up to 5000 active customers a month. When the number of active customers exceeds 5000, a charge of $0.02 will be added per each extra customer above 5000.

What Happens Upon Uninstalling Gameball?

When Uninstalling Gameball, all program configurations are going to be deleted instantly without possible reverse, consequently, this cancels your subscription.

What Happens When Downgrading a Gameball Plan?

Each pricing plan has a limited set of features. When you downgrade from one plan to another, you lose all the extra features you had in your previous plan, however, you will still have access to all configurations done within your plan.

For example, if you downgraded from pro to free. The free plan allows four challenges and two levels only, when downgrading, all other configurations that exceed the four challenges and two levels will be deleted.

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