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How Gameball Treats Refunds

Understand the way Gameball deals with partial and full refunds.

Rana ElGharib avatar
Written by Rana ElGharib
Updated over 2 years ago

Understanding the complications that come with refunding a fully or partially canceled order, Gameball treats every case differently. Here is how Gameball handles your refunds.

When fully or partially refunding any order, Gameball Handles the related cashback that took place when the order was first completed. Here are some examples and cases that show how this happens:

  • Full Refund

When a full refund is needed because of a canceled order, Gameball deducts the entire point reward that was granted as a reward when the order first took place.

*Assuming that the cashback value you set allows players to earn 1 point for every 1 USD.

Player's Action

Gameball Automated Reaction

Player buys a product with 100 USD

Reward them with 100 points

Player returns all products of 100 USD

Deduct their fill 100 points

  • Partial refund affecting a points cashback reward (multiple times)

If, for example, a customer made an order of 100 USD, then cancelled part of the order twice or more, here is how Gameball deals with this case:

*Assuming that the cashback value you set allows players to earn 1 point for every 1 USD.

Player's Action

Gameball Automated Reaction

Player buys a product with 100 USD

Reward them with 100 points

Player returns items with a value of 20 USD

Deduct 20 points from their rewarded 100 points

Player returns another item with a value of 10 USD

Deduct 10 points only from the remaining 80 points

  • Full and partial refund to a purchase that was entirely made using a points balance

If a player decided to make an order and pay it using the points they have previously earned and saved, then they will not need to make any form of monetary transaction.

In this case, Gameball does not reward the player with cashback points, and upon partial or full refund, Gameball returns the points spent accordingly.

*Assuming that the cashback value you set allows players to earn 1 point for every 1 USD.

Player's Action

Gameball Automated Reaction

Player buys a product with 100 points worth 100 USD

No cashback reward is granted due to zero amount payment

Player returns items with a value of 20 USD

Return 20 points to the player's points balance

Player returns another item with a value of 80 USD

Return 80 points to the player's points balance leaving them with their original 100 points

  • Full and partial refund to a purchase that was partially made using a points balance

If a player decided to make an order and pay it using both points balance and actual payment, then Gameball would only reward them with cashback based on the payed amount and will disregard the part payed by points.

Here is how Gameball deals with the refund based on the previous case:

*Assuming that the cashback value you set allows players to earn 1 point for every 1 USD.

Player's Action

Gameball Automated Reaction

Player buys a product with 100 USD (pays 60 USD and uses 40 points to pay for the rest)

Reward them with 60 points based on the actually paid amount only

Player returns items worth 80 USD

Deduct the rewarded 60 points + return 20 points to the player's point balance

  • Special Case: refunding a value greater than the remaining amount of the original cashback reward

Gameball will refund the whole cashback reward and not the extra value.

*Assuming that the cashback value you set allows players to earn 1 point for every 1 USD.

Player's Action

Gameball Automated Reaction

Player buys a product with worth 100 USD

Reward them with 100 points

Player returns an item of 20 USD

Deduct 20 points from their rewarded 100 points

Player returns an item of 20 USD

Deduct another 20 points from the remaining 80 points

The cashier or the system makes a refund of 100 USD

Deduct 60 points for it is the only points reward left to be deducted from this particular order ID

❗️❗️Important notes:

  • Any system using coupons as a redemption method, such as Shopify, WordPress, Magento, etc. The redemption part will be neglected.

  • The refund will be based on the reward accumulated to the customer at the time of the transaction, not based on the cashback configuration at the time of the reimbursement.

  • As the system is behaving now, the player balance can go negative if they redeemed points after receiving the cashback reward; then, the Gameball user refunded the original transaction.

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