If you are using Zapier on your platform for workflows or automation, use Gameball to engage and reward your players with a few simple clicks.
Why should you integrate Klaviyo with your Gameball account? And how can you make the best out of Gameball player attributes?
Using Gameball with Zapier allows you to do send events to Gameball in order to reward your players for completing and performing certain actions on hundreds of other platforms like subscribing on a newsletter, clicking on a link inside an email, and much more!
Before you log in to your Zapier account and start connecting other apps to Gameball, make sure to create and configure these events through the Gameball dashboard. To learn more about recommended events and how to configure them, check this article.
How to integrate Zapier on Gameball?
You can effortlessly create a Zap on Zapier using Gameball. For the sake of illustration, we will connect Judge.me to Gameball where Judge.me sends an event to Gameball every time a new review is written so that Gameball can reward your players for writing reviews.
Check this step-by-step guide to use Gameball on Zapier:
Log in to your Zapier Dashboard.
Search for Judge.me and Gameball to connect them.
Note: Make sure you use Gameball V1.1
Select the trigger New Review on Judge.me and Send Event action on Gameball.
You have now successfully connected Judge.me with Gameball and your players will be rewarded according to your Gameball configuration.
Enjoy connecting more apps to Gameball to reward your players or to keep data synced.