Gameball has created ready-to-use templates on Zapier which you can use to easily connect Mailchimp with Gameball. Once you complete the integration process, you will be able to reward your players with points after they complete the required action on Mailchimp.
Here are the two Zapier templates you can use to connect Mailchimp with Gameball:
Give rewards to Gameball players with new Mailchimp subscriptions. Click here
Relay Gameball rewards for new links clicked through Mailchimp emails. Click here
How to Use Mailchimp Templates?
Step 1: Turning on & Testing the Zap
Follow these steps to complete the integration process using the template:
Open the needed template
Log in to your Mailchimp account
Copy your Gameball API key and use it to log in on Zapier. Learn where to find your API key
Choose your Mailchimp audience you want to reward
Click Turn on Zap
Click View your Zaps, then choose the two apps connection
For the final step on Zapier, check if there are any errors and test your connection by clicking the Error Icon then Test & Continue
Note: without testing the connection between the two apps and solving all errors, the trigger event will not be sent to Gameball, and you will not be able to reward your players even if they complete the required action.
Now that you have successfully connected Gameball with Mailchimp, all you need is to create an event-based challenge on Gameball dashboard that includes the Mailchimp event name. Follow the below steps:
In this step, log in to your Gameball Admin Dashboard, go to Programs > Challenges. Click Add New Challenge and follow the below steps:
Step 2: Configure challenge on Gameball
A. Set Challenge Type
Choose Event-based as challenge type, and click Next
B. Set Challenge Details and Rewards
In this step, you will set the challenge details that will be used internally and displayed to the users including challenge internal name, challenge displayed badge, and displayed information.
You will also choose the size of reward you want to grant your players upon completing the action. Choose the points reward for this challenge achievement, and
the score reward for this challenge achievement. (if you have chosen score as your leveling up method. Learn more)
C. Set Challenge Details
In this step, configure the challenge details by clicking the Edit Icon next to Challenge Settings.
Activation Settings: Is this Challenge always active for players to achieve?
Challenge visibility: is the challenge displayed on the player widget?
Unlocking settings: On which, level(s) should this challenge be unlocked?
Repeatability Settings: How many times this challenge can be won? Only once? or more?
Player Notification Settings: Do you want to notify the player when this challenge is achieved?
Event Notification Settings: is the player notified after every action taken that leads to achieving the challenge?
D. Set Event Settings
On this page, from the event list, choose the corresponding Event Name. Select it and make sure the number of times this event to be completed is one.
Finally, review the previously configured steps and go back to making edits if needed, then click Save.
π You're all set up now! Your players will start earning this challenge upon completing the required action!