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Applying filters is a vital tool that will help ease up a lot of tasks related to grouping players and challenges. Filtering your lists based on similar attribute information or common elements like level, points, or tags has become easy.
What Can I Use Filters for?
Filters can be used for a wide range of reasons. Here are some examples of reasons to use filters on:
Players data
Getting an exact count of players that share the same criteria
Apply tags on only a group of players
Extracting data of players with specific criteria
Manually adding achievements to some of your players
Manually rewarding some of your players with a challenge
Manually add or deduct points from some of your players
Challenges data
Getting an exact count of challenges that share the same criteria
Extracting data of challenges that share specific criteria
Applying tags on only a group challenges
How to Apply Filters?
Applying filters require only a few steps:
On your Gameball Admin Dashboard, choose one of the following tabs according to your needs: Players tab, Players Log, or Challenges tab. Click on the Filter icon.
What Are the Type of Filters That Can Be Applied?
There are many filters that you can either apply singularly or combinedly. Here are the filters for each of the tabs:
Players Tab
Creation date: choose the date or timeframe when players joined.
Player ID: each player will have a unique ID that you can use to search for a player.
Player Name: search by name and see all the players that share the same name.
Email: use this to search for specific players or view all players that share the same email type like "Gmail."
Phone Number: search by phone number.
Total Amount Spent: Target players who have spent specific amounts
Points: you can view players with the same points or between a point segment.
Pending Points: filter based on the players' pending points due to the return window.
Score: you can view players with the same score or between a score segment.
Status: check your active or inactive players.
Tags: view players that have the same tag.
Player Level: filter players by their current levels.
Players Log Tab
The filter under the players log includes most of the above filters with some extra filters to sort based on the players' activity.
Manual Actions: actions that you took to manually amend or reward your players.
Activity: any achievement or transactions done from the player's side.
Coupon: a coupon used or owned by a player.
Challenge Name: search by the undisplayed challenge name you have chosen during configuration.
Challenge Display Name: search by the challenge name displayed to players.
Challenge Type: search by the type of challenge a player achieved, like a Signup, Referral, Event-Based, etc.
Challenges Tabs
Creation Date: choose the date or timeframe when a challenge was created.
Challenge Name: search by the undisplayed name of the challenge you have chosen during configuration.
Challenge Display Name: search by the challenge name displayed to players.
Score: you can view challenges with the same or between a score segment.
Points: you can view challenges with the same points, or between a points segment.
Status: check your active or inactive challenges.
Challenge Visibility: choose if the challenge is always visible, not visible, or visible if earned
Challenge Behavior: search by the type of challenge like Signup, Referral, Event-Based, etc.
Activation Settings: filter between challenges that are always active or scheduled for later.
Repeatability Settings: filter between challenges that the player completes for a limited number of times or a player can complete unlimitedly.
Tags: view challenges that have the same tag.
Unlocking Settings: filter challenges according to their unlocking level a player needs to be on to achieve it.
❗️❗️Important Note: Applying multiple filters works subsequently, which means the second filter created will filter the outcome list of the first filter. Make sure you apply the more general filters first then, the more specific ones.
How to sort data?
On the right of every filter bar, you will find a dropdown list. You will be able to choose how to re-order and view your data according to your priorities.
You will be able to sort the data list by:
Creation date newest first
Creation date oldest first
Score by highest first
Score by lowest first
Points by highest first
Points by lowest first