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Send Real-Time Notifications for Challenge Program

Control the scripts of all real-time notifications through the global settings or custom scripts for challenges program.

Ahmed El Assy avatar
Written by Ahmed El Assy
Updated over a week ago

All Gameball customers

Notifications Global Settings for Challenge Program

You can access the notifications global settings in Gameball Admin Dashboard through Notifications > In-App > Challenges

Script Updates for Challenges Notifications

You can add the notification script for all notifications through this page:

1. Unlocked

You can create some challenges for players on a specific level or higher, Read about Create and Configure Player Challenges. Your players will not be able to participate in these challenges unless they reached this level. Send this notification once your players level up and up-sell participation in this new unlocked challenge to get more rewards.

2. Motivate Players

Some challenges can require multiple events/actions taken by the player to achieve them. You can send a notification after every action/event done by your player to encourage them to complete this challenge and get a reward. Example: Refer 5 friends to achieve a challenge, send a notification to the player with every friend referral till reaching 5 friends.

3. Achievemed

Send a real-time notification to your players upon completing a challenge.

In the challenge creation process in Gameball Admin Dashboard, you can add a custom script to be sent for this challenge/ only and bypass the global settings:

Script Variables for Challenges Notifications

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Shopify (Starter, Pro, & Guru), Non-Shopify (Growth, Pro, & Guru)

In order to send more personalized notifications, you can use variables in the scripts like the below:

  • Player Variables: First Name, Display Name, Player's Email, Points Earned, Level-up Progress, Points, Points Before, Level Up total progress

  • Challenge Variables: Equivalent value of total points, Equivalent value of earned points, Currency, Points Name, Challenge Name, Coupon Code, Coupon Value, Challenge Reward

Status Update for Challenges Notifications

You can enable or disable the notification through the global settings page. This will affect only challenges under global settings.
โ€‹โ—๏ธNote: Do not forget to click on "Save Changes" before you exit.

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